Friday, October 16, 2009

Thursday Night Art Opening& I meet fellow Anna Karenina Reader!

So I confess that I have the free time to vigorously read Anna Karenina. I say 'confess' because I feel as if there is some prize in our culture to be super busy, and having the free time to an 806 page novel (my copy is complete and unabridged- perhaps longer than others?) can be looked down upon.

Confessions aside- my brother is visiting and last night I met him and my sister after work for an art opening near Oxford Circus. I'm wandering around the gallery when I become overly excited at the sight of a gentleman carrying the EXACT same copy of Anna Karenina! I whispered to my sister- and was tempted to talk with him but was held back by the silly (and embarrassing) fact that I am horrible at pronouncing things, and always mispronounce 'Karenina'.

I wanted to ask what he thought- how he found the language, the skipping between cities, people and activities- but alas my pronunciation-disability (is that a correct name for it?) got in the way. Of course, when I write 'Karenina' you cannot criticize my pronunciation so now I can divulge into the topics that have been floating around in my head for discussion.

Warning: I am on page 312, but these are quite general musings!

So one thing I've been thinking about is a woman's love for her child. After Anna meets Vronsky, she comes home to find herself disappointed by the sight of her son- however once the option arises of picking her son or her lover, Vronsky, she admits that she could never leave her son. I wonder at the attachment of a mother to her children- and how common in today's society it is for a parent to put her kid before her husband (and often herself). This takes me to another mother/son relationship in the novel, that of Vronsky and his mother. Vronsky has recently received a letter from his mother saying she is cutting him off from his allowance- however if Vronsky changes his relations with a certain someone- Anna- he will again be in the good opinion of his mother. Vronsky's mother appears to be distant and harsh- and it makes me think about how that has shaped Vronsky and his relationships (it has been hinted that there have been many- I wonder if this continues once Anna has entered the picture?)

Bringing me to another point I want to explore- Oblonsky and his mistress. Oblonsky is content (not the word I want but can't think of it the best word) and has accepted that he will continue to have mistresses, despite destroying his wife. What are with these men? And does this continue (now talking big picture- like all those men in the world- yes a sweeping, evil generalization!)?

It's not as if anything personal regarding men has created this reaction in me- although maybe just a lack of meeting 'qualified' men. Ouch, what is a qualified man? Can it really be put to a list of qualifications?

It is 4.55 on Friday- my boss has taken off but we are going for drinks after work so I am sticking around...

Miss you all as always!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Oct. 1-5!

Hey reading beauties (RB),

So I couldn't wait for the book to be delivered to the library and ended up purchasing it today- but I got a great deal! Only 1.50 (pounds). I sat down this afternoon and started reading it. Only a few pages in and already wanted to blog about it. Hmm, perhaps I just wanted to write to you all. The weather has turned in London, leaves under foot, bite to the air and lots of wind. Perfect reading weather.

I will write about the book in due time, but for now I just wanted to let you know how much I miss you all.


Monday, September 28, 2009

Anna Karenina: Page 1-50 by Oct. 1st

The Reading Beauties!

So we can keep a running record of our reading adventures.....